Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mention someone else on Twitter

Here's a tweeting tip from social media coach Alexis Grant:
Ninety percent of your tweets should include an @mention. That’s right – nearly 100 percent. Nearly all your tweets. Why? Because it helps people notice you. 
Whenever you include someone else’s @handle in your tweet, that tweet shows up in their @mentions feed. Which means they’ll read your tweet. Which means they might click on your @handle to find out more about you. Which means they might follow you back. 
And guess what happens if they follow you back? That opens a line for private communication via direct message, which is pretty much GOLD for your networking efforts. 
A tweet without an @mention is a missed opportunity. Here are a few examples:
You went out for coffee with an esteemed editor, and tweeted about it without including the editor’s @handle. Missed opportunity. 
You read a helpful blog post, and tweeted about it without @mentioning the author or publication. Missed opportunity. 
You shared a stellar article you wrote, without @mentioning the sources you quoted. Missed opportunity. 
Twitter is all about connecting. If you’re not using @mentions, you’re not connecting directly with other users, and the people you’re talking about probably aren’t going to notice you.
They don't call it a social medium for nothing.

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